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Choosing Activities to Do With the Dementia Patient

Choosing Activities to Do With the Dementia Patient

As a dementia caregiver, you may be so busy "paying attention" that you don't make time for fun. Participating in practical or frivolous activities can lift your spirits as well as lift the spirits of your patients. But how do you choose this activity?

Patients with dementia are sometimes rejected on the grounds that they are no longer able to actively pursue their former interests or learn new skills. This is often not the case. You can also get games & activities for Dementia patients at home from Gleam In Your Eye.

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Here are some tips for choosing activities with people with dementia:

What did your loved ones enjoy before developing dementia symptoms? You will most likely continue to enjoy the same activities. Some hobbies, especially sports or potentially dangerous activities, may need to be changed in order for people with dementia to participate, but although they may not be able to climb mountains safely, they can continue to walk for short periods of time.

Be creative. Creativity will help you find ways to change your activities. Consider all aspects of particular concern. For example, if your boyfriend likes to play soccer with his friends on Sunday afternoons, they may enjoy watching football with their friends on TV.

Some people with dementia become a little childish in their actions. They can enjoy participating in activities that are usually reserved for childhood. Painting with your finger, playing with marbles or jacks or swinging a swing in the garden are all great ideas. If possible, do activities like this with your child. My son, then 2 years old, was my mother's favorite friend!

There are many options when it comes to choosing activities for dementia patients. Think of your loved ones as living and productive members of your family and community, and you'll find plenty to do. Give them some direction and see how happy they are to be a part of life!

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