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Does Agile Exist Once You Implement It In Your Project?

Does Agile Exist Once You Implement It In Your Project?

Today, when you search the web for Agile or related information, you'll be presented with search results pages that include all information about Agile. 

These search result pages can contain everything from Agile training and coaching to Agile experts offering their "esteemed insights and experiences" regarding various Agile frameworks. You can also get scaled agile training via

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These are some tips to help you determine if you are "Agile".

Are iterations used for development?

It is obvious that the main purpose behind implementing an Agile framework to increase product increments in a consistent way is not to be misunderstood. If the project development process doesn't allow for regular product increments at sprint end, no one can claim that they are following Agile. 

Iterative development should not be the only feature of Agile implementation. This includes dynamic collaboration, which allows for sharing feedback and information between the product owner, scrum master, and scrum team as well as the stakeholders.

Are there any changes that can be made during product development?

Agile's ability to make changes to the product definition while it is still in development is one of the reasons people choose Agile. This unique feature is the hallmark of all Agile frameworks and it is synonymous with delivering a project while maintaining its business value. 

No matter how big or small the market changes, the project development process must have and keep the "ability to dynamically modify the functionality created and offered by the product features. This feature should be supported by agile projects.

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