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Fast-Track Your Divorce In Hawaii

Fast-Track Your Divorce In Hawaii

To file divorce in Hawaii, one must reside in Hawaii continuously for at most three months. A judge can grant a final decree if you and your spouse have lived in Hawaii continuously for at least six month. As long as the following conditions are met, Hawaii is open to anyone who lives on a military base. 

Many couples need the assistance of legal counsel and the Family Court to resolve the complexities of their divorce. If you need to hire divorce attorney in Hawaii , you should choose the one who has years of experience and can represent you in court.

divorce attorney in Hawaii

What are the grounds for divorcing in Hawaii?

A judge in Hawaii must grant a divorce order if he or she finds that at most one of the following grounds (grounds) has been presented.

  • You and your spouse lived separately for the duration of the court order ("from bed and board") and you were not allowed to reunite (reconciled).

  • Your spouse and you have been living apart for at least two years before filing for divorce. The judge finds that:

  • Reconcile if you and your spouse are unlikely to get back together

  • If you are in a situation where divorce is necessary, it is acceptable to grant it.

These are some the things you need to keep in mind while filing a case for divorce in hawaii and it will make your process easy and fast  and of course if you have a right guidance then it will make your process a lot easier.


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