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How To Prepare For A Catholic Funeral

How To Prepare For A Catholic Funeral

If you are planning to have a Catholic funeral, there are a few things that you will need to do in advance. 

Here is a guide on how to prepare:

1. Contact your local Catholic church or dioceses office to find out what services are available. There may be Masses and burial ceremonies that are specific to your religion. If you are searching for catholic funeral services in Vancouver , you can visit




2. Find out what kind of casket you will need. Most caskets come in two types: open and closed. An open casket will show the body of the deceased while a closed casket will keep the body hidden. It is important to choose the type of casket based on your personal beliefs.

3. Decide on the funeral attire that you would like to wear. This can include clothes from the deceased’s wardrobe, special garments made for a Catholic funeral, or something that you have purchased specifically for this occasion.

4. Make arrangements for flowers and/or cremation ashes. You may want to contact the cemetery or crematorium ahead of time to find out their policies.

5. Arrange for someone to be responsible for taking care of the deceased during the funeral service and burial proceedings. This person canbe a family member, friend, or hired professional.

6. Make arrangements for transportation to and from the funeral service.

7. Plan to arrive at the funeral service at least 30 minutes before it begins. This will give you time to get settled and prepare to say goodbye.

8. Remember to take your grief and sadness seriously. Mourning the death of a loved one is a natural process, but it is also important to remember that you are honoring the deceased person’s memory and life.

If you have any questions about preparing for a Catholic funeral, please contact your local Catholic church or dioceses office.


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