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Migrate Your Exchange Public Folders To Microsoft 365 Groups

Migrate Your Exchange Public Folders To Microsoft 365 Groups

Public folders can contain different types of data and are organized in an hierarchical manner. Public Folders enable (limited) collaboration and the exchange of information by allowing the creation of shared folders that collect and store email and other information. If you want to get more information about public folder replacement visit

public folder replacement

Do you need to migrate your public folders into Microsoft 365 Groups?

Microsoft 365 Groups, Microsoft's latest collaboration product, is a better option than public. Here are some highlights.

  • Collaboration via email. 

Outlook groups have a dedicated Conversations area that stores all emails and allows users to collaborate on them. You can also set the group up to receive messages from other members or outsiders. Groups are a great option if you currently use mail-enabled public files to store project-related discussions or purchase orders that must be viewed by a group of people. For situations where you just want to share information with a group of people, groups are a better option.

  • Collaboration over document

Outlook Groups offers a Files tab which displays all files on the group's SharePoint site as well as mail attachments. All files are displayed in one place, so it's easier to search for them than you would with public folders. It's also easier to co-author. Consider migrating to groups if you are currently using public folders to store files that can be accessed by multiple users.

Get access to a variety of Microsoft 365 and Office 365 apps. You can create a group to gain access to many apps within the Microsoft 365 and Office 365 suites.

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