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Role Of The Marketing Manager

Role Of The Marketing Manager

According to a study by the CMO Council, the average marketing manager is now a full-time employee, not a part-time employee. The report notes that marketing managers are spending more time on their jobs than ever before, with 66% working 50 or more hours per week. The good news is that this means they have the bandwidth to manage and lead a team effectively. 

But as the role of the marketing manager becomes more complex and demanding, it's also becoming part-time for many organizations. Why? For one, it can be tough to find the right person for the job who has both the requisite skillset and the dedication to work full-time.

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Additionally, many companies are shifting their focus away from direct sales and instead investing in content marketing, social media management, and brand development. As a result, there's simply not as much demand for full-time marketing managers right now. 

That doesn't mean that part-time marketing managers can't be successful. In fact, they may be better positioned to excel in this new era of marketing because they have the flexibility to shift their focus and scale their efforts when needed. And since part-time marketing managers work fewer hours but still have a high

The Role of a Part-time CMO

There is no doubt that the role of the marketing manager has changed in the past few years. With more and more companies opting for a part-time or freelance model, the marketing manager has become a vital part of many companies’ marketing teams. This is especially true for companies that are looking to cut costs while still delivering high-quality customer service.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of having a part-time or freelance marketing manager and provide tips on how to choose the best candidate for the job.

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