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Basic Troubleshooting Tips For Your Automotive Air Conditioner

If your car's air conditioner isn't working properly, here are some ideas to get you started. First, start with the control panel on your dashboard. Most cars have an AC switch that turns on the compressor and allows cool air to circulate. You probably accidentally pressed the circulation button instead of the climate button. 

Second, the actual control function must be checked. Are they even moving? The big question is, "Did you feel different from the last time you used the air conditioner?" This can tell if the controls are confusing and need to be replaced. Your air conditioner may be fine, but the controls may be stuck or damaged. In this case, you need to take professional help so visit this website and choose a car AC repair specialist for you.

What to Do When Your Car's Air Conditioner Stops Working - CarGurus

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If your controls seem to work, let's go to the blower. Turn on your car and turn on the air conditioner as usual. Then set your fan to the highest level. Can your fan blow in here? If you can hear it, it sounds faint or whining. This can indicate that your fan motor is malfunctioning or needs replacement. 

If the blower is working properly and you can only get cold air out of the defrost holes, there may be a problem with the vacuum supply line. To check this, look for the little black plastic pipe running through the dashboard from the engine area. Usually located right next to the refrigerant line. 

Check this pipe and see if there is a hole or not connected. If all these little tips don't help, and you're an air conditioner that's not going to blow cold air no matter how many switches you turn on or off, you probably need a certified mechanic. Good luck and stay calm!