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Services Performed by Chartered Accountants

1. Auditing

This includes an audit of the annual financial statements and is generally an important part of the work of a CA user. All limited liability companies must have audited financial statements from an external certification body.

The main task of the company auditor is to examine and examine the company's annual financial statements; evaluate company processes for collecting, recording, and reporting financial information; An overview of the controls a company uses to protect its financial system from fraud and error.

It also provides an independent opinion on whether a company's financial statements convey a "true and fair view" of its financial condition. Also, you can get the best report on small business CA service.

Professional Misconduct by Chartered Accountants - iPleaders

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2. Tax service

Companies need to consider the tax implications of alternative actions. Tax services not only include the preparation of tax returns and compliance with tax regulations, but also business activity planning to minimize taxes.

Proper handling of business cases can result in significant tax cost savings. While tax evasion is clearly illegal, it is perfectly legal for anyone to cut their tax bill.

3. Management consulting services

Most of the large accounting firms' revenues come from management consulting, a universal term for a wide variety of consulting activities. This service goes beyond the old-fashioned boundaries of accounting and auditing. Consulting duties include:

• Recruit the right employee’s

• Overview of the calculation system

4. Small business services

Many accounting organizations offer a variety of services for small businesses. Creating an accounting system, preparing annual financial reports, preparing budgets and estimates, assisting clients in obtaining bank loans are examples of small business services.