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Losing Weight With Chinese Medicine

We must first understand that there is no such thing as a magic weight loss pill, even with traditional Chinese medicine. In Chinese weight loss medicine, we pay attention to our diet. It's not just what we eat, but also the amount we eat.

These are just two of the many factors to take into account. But if you understand it correctly, you will lose weight. Yin and yang energy is the basic concept of Chinese medicine. To get more details about Chinese medicine you may check it here.

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Obesity is one of the signs. If these symptoms are not corrected, you will develop obesity-related diseases. High blood pressure and diabetes are just two of them. If you balance your diet with the types of foods you need and only eat the amounts necessary to maintain health, you will lose excess weight.

One aspect of Chinese medicine claims that an overweight body is too wet. To dry the body, you can eat spicy or fiery food. Ginger and garlic are just two of the many. These foods have been shown to speed up your metabolism. This will help dry the body.

The most important part of weight loss and Chinese medicine is proper nutrition. The amount of food you eat should be about seventy percent of what will fill you up. The main mass should also be vegetables and fruits. Animal protein should only be consumed a few times a week, red meat is best only once a month.