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Why Oktoberfest Is So Popular

Oktoberfest offers another opportunity on the calendar for themed costume parties. Originally a Bavarian custom, Oktoberfest spread throughout Europe and the rest of the world and is now celebrated worldwide. 

Everyone in Munich was invited to celebrate their wedding in the surrounding fields. The celebration lasts for five days and ends with a horse race. You can also visit https:/ to know more about Oktoberfest 2021 in Kitchener.

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Today, Oktoberfest is a German festival that celebrates the changing of the seasons, although agricultural shows persist every three years and have become a prominent holiday wherever there is a German community. 

The globalization of Oktoberfest goes hand in hand with the globalization of trade, which makes it possible to buy genuine German products either in stores or only via the Internet. With the need to attract consumers to these products, there are reasons to export local customs and festivals. 

Oktoberfest is all about drinking beer, and huge beer tents have been set up in major cities to cope with the onslaught of parties – about 6 million in recent years. Although mugs of light beer are served in this beer marquee, dark beer is more common in the last months of the year.

There's no reason to miss out on the traditional costume fun, as there are plenty of traditional lederhosen-based costumes that are growing in popularity at Oktoberfest. 

Use lots of Oktoberfest party supplies paper for decorations and a quick after-party cleanup. Oktoberfest is a fantastic example of a local festival that has gone global.