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Dog & Puppy Separation Anxiety

There's a shocking amount of dogs who suffer from separation anxiety. Studies suggest that as high as 14% could be a possibility in the population of dogs. 

Most dog owners do not know the causes of this disorder and when they try to solve the issue they fail due to the fact that they are on a different source of the issue. The solution is simple for helping the puppy who is suffering from separation anxiety, or a dog at any age. You can take the help of a dog separation anxiety specialist to know the main reasons for your dog's anxiety and the steps to resolve the problem.

Dealing with Separation Anxiety in Dogs

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The first step in addressing the anxiety of your pet is to familiarize yourself with the behaviors that your dog is currently displaying and then observe if the behavior diminishes upon your return? If so I'm sure the absence of your dog is directly connected to the reason. The next step is to examine the most important dog separation anxiety signs.

Similar to how humans chew gum, it produces endorphins (a chemical within the brain that causes you to feel happiness) that can provide a soothing feeling, dogs feel the same way after chewing the things.

Wheezing, excessive barking This is the behavior dogs employ in order to get them back home to their pack. A good example of this within families would be the case of calling your children even though you didn't know where they were.

Disintegration digging is the typical behavior of dogs who exhibit anxiety and stress-related behavior.

Chewing their own paws or licking themselves excessively, or even drooling can be an indication of stress. It may be confused with illnesses, but they're all connected to the dog's enormous stress.