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Depression – All You Need to Know

Chronic pain can be more common than heart attacks, diabetes and cancer. It is estimated that over 100 million suffer from chronic pain. This debilitating condition is often not understood by many. 

It is difficult to treat and can be very debilitating. You can contact Habitat for Wellness to take the first step towards finding relief or to consult a doctor who specializes in chronic pain. An excellent resource is a mental health counselor. This can lead to less harm for the person and their loved ones.

People who suffer from it are often misunderstood. Friends and family may view them as crazy, hypochondriacs, whiners, or any number of other stereotypes. Even their family doctor might consider them to be a hypochondriac.

It is important to find a doctor who can treat chronic pain. Depression can also result from not being able to do the things that they used to. Imagine your life as a team mom, athlete, or professional and then having all of that ruined by depression.

Chronic pain sufferers can rest assured that they are able to get relief. There are many ways to heal and continue living the life you love. Chronic pain can be very intense and lasts for a long time. Chronic pain is not the same as after an injury.