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Get To Know More About The Zantac Lawsuit

Zantac, a well-known antacid, was popularly used as both an over-the-counter and prescription medication for heartburn, acid reflux, and ulcer pain. Studies have shown that Zantac's main component can develop cancer if it is not stored correctly and is exposed to heat.

Some patients who took Zantac for years in order to manage gastrointestinal discomfort have developed cancer or even died from it. There are possible links between Zantac and stomach cancer, liver cancer or testicular cancer, bladder carcinoma, kidney cancer, and many other types of cancer.

You are eligible to file a Zantac tumor legal action in California if you have been diagnosed with cancer or have taken Zantac before. You may be able to file a wrongful death claim if Zantac has caused the death of a member of your immediate family.

Zantac Lawsuit

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Learn More about the Zantac Lawsuit:

Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi were the producers of this popular anti-inflammatory medication. Ranitidine is an active medical ingredient, but it is unstable. When exposed to heat the medicine can ultimately have naturally contained N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA).

According to the WHO, NDMA causes cancer. Patients are at greater risk if Zantac is kept for long periods of time. Zantac, along with other ranitidine-containing medicines, was removed from the shelves in September 2019 due to this risk.

Some patients were already taking Zantac for many years. The popular drug manufacturers did not inform consumers, pharmacies, or retailers about the danger and didn't include storage instructions to lower the risk for patients. Some patients and their families sued the drug manufacturers.