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The Wrongful Death Attorney Presents The Victim and Family In New York

The Wrongful Death Attorney Presents The Victim and Family In New York

A wrongful death attorney is an attorney who represents the deceased and his family in a situation where the death was caused by the actions of another person. Under common law, neither a person killed by another person’s actions – called a tort – nor a loved one can claim damages caused by death. You can avail the benefits of wrongful death lawyers from various sources.

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The elements that must be identified are as follows:

Customs violation

After the obligation is proven, the next step is to show that the perpetrator did not prevent the accident from causing the victim’s death. This violation must not be the result of a positive act; Inaction can also pass a breach of duty check.


After establishing legal liability, the attorney for unlawful death is obliged to determine the damage caused by the event. They can range from monetary losses (both to the deceased and their families, pain and suffering, loss of services, consortium, and past, present, and future income). State laws often limit the number of reimbursements a qualified attorney must consider.

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