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Types of Home Health Care Services

Types of Home Health Care Services

Nowadays, there are many home care services that a patient can access in their own home. Care can vary depending on the patient's needs. It could include nursing care or specialized medical services like laboratory workups. Your doctor and you will decide what kind of care you need.

Different types of healthcare services at home may include:

Doctor care

To diagnose and treat an illness, a doctor can visit the patient at home. The doctor may also visit the patient at home to assess their health and care needs.

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Nursing care

Most people require some form of nursing care. A registered nurse will create a care plan after consultation with the doctor. Nursing care can include intravenous therapy, wound dressing, ostomy, intravenous therapy, medication administration, monitoring the general well-being of the patient, pain management, and any other support.

Therapy for physical, occupational, and/or speech disorders

Patients may require assistance in relearning daily tasks or improving their speech skills after an injury or illness. A physical therapist will help patients regain or strengthen their muscles and joints. An occupational therapist is able to help patients with developmental, physical, or emotional disabilities learn how to do daily tasks such as dressing, eating, bathing, and other activities. A speech therapist is able to help patients with impaired speech regain their ability to communicate clearly.


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