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Using Castor Oil For Hair Growth

Using Castor Oil For Hair Growth

In recent years, a growing number of beauty enthusiasts have started to praise castor oil as a natural solution for hair growth. Castor oil, a centuries-old remedy used in traditional medicine, is also said to moisturize the scalp, reduce dandruff, and leave your hair smooth and shiny.

Ricinus oil is made from castor seeds and is rich in ricinoleic acid – a type of fatty acid that supports inflammation and promotes hair growth (as well as preventing hair loss).

 black castor oil

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With castor oil becoming more and more popular in the world of natural beauty, proponents suggest that using it can dramatically improve the rate of hair growth. Some even declare that using the oil every month can accelerate hair growth by up to five times faster than normal.

There are no recent studies examining the effects of castor oil on any hair problem. However, several old studies suggest that castor oil can improve the appearance of hair by increasing hair shine.

How to use

If you plan to use castor oil for hair growth, simply apply a few drops of the oil to your scalp. You can also massage a few drops of castor oil into the middle and ends of your hair to prevent breakage and improve hair texture.

One of the most popular varieties for using castor oil for hair care is Jamaican black castor oil. Jamaican black castor oil is made from roasted castor seeds and is perfect for people with thick, dry and/or coarse hair.

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