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What Are The Different Types Of Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

What Are The Different Types Of Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Wisdom teeth don’t always grow in as planned, which can cause them to become impacted. This can lead to pain, difficulty eating, and even tooth loss. If you're ever worried about your wisdom teeth, schedule an appointment with your dentist.

There are different types of wisdom tooth removal and each has its own unique risks and benefits. 

5 Common Cosmetic Dental Procedures and Their Benefits

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Here's a quick overview of the three most common types:

1. File Extraction: This is the most common type of extraction, and it involves using a sharp object like a file to remove the tooth. It's usually safe, but there's a small risk of bleeding or infection.

2. Partial Tooth Extraction: This approach involves removing only part of the tooth, usually the root or crown. It has fewer risks associated with it, but it can still be risky if the tooth is infected or if there's too much damage done to the surrounding jawbone.

3. Total Tooth Extraction: This is the riskiest type of extraction, and it involves removing all of the teeth. If done incorrectly, this could result in major damage to the jawbone and even serious injury.

How often should a dentist be concerned about wisdom teeth?

There is no one answer to this question since everyone's mouth and teeth are different. However, typically dentists will check a person's wisdom teeth at least every six months, and more often if there are any concerns. 

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