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What Every Client of Hypnotherapy Needs to Know

What Every Client of Hypnotherapy Needs to Know

In a state of hypnosis, there is an increase in the ability to respond to suggestions, remember memories, achieve creativity, test images, and activate the mind through self-healing and treatment of pain in materials. When the therapeutic interactive process takes place in a hypnotic state, the client participates in a form of therapy called hypnotherapy. You can choose the hypnosis treatment to reduce the depression and anxiety of the victim.

The hypnotist creates a hypnotic state with the participation of those wishing to hypnotize and usually provides direct suggestions. The hypnotist is the active leader of the process and the client will usually be passive, nonverbal, and non-interactive in the trance experience. The success of hypnosis depends on the desire and ability of the client to respond to suggestions.

The hypnotherapist also makes it easy for the client to transition into a hypnotic state, but once that state is achieved, the client and therapist are interactive and verbal communication usually occurs. For example, clients may use hypnotic regression to restore childhood memories to heal trauma. During the hypnosis process, the hypnotherapist helps the client report details of the traumatic event and then engages the client to re-educate, restructure the event, or heal the traumatized inner child.

The work of hypnotherapy goes beyond the client's ability and desire to respond to suggestions because the client helps shape the therapeutic process. And the hypnotherapy method of therapy is effective even when the client is not in a hypnotized state because this method is based on a reasoned therapeutic approach. 

Regardless of whether you choose to work with hypnosis or hypnotherapy, discuss with your facilitator where he is on the range of directive and nondirective styles of hypnosis. Some customers respond well to direct offers, while others require a more open approach. A well-trained hypnotherapist will be flexible in his approach in order to meet the needs and responses of his clients.

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