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Why Penrhyn Welsh Slate Makes The Perfect Home Interior

Why Penrhyn Welsh Slate Makes The Perfect Home Interior

If you are looking for a unique, high-quality material to create your next home interior with, Welsh slate is the way to go! Learn why welsh slate makes the perfect choice in this article.

Benefits of Welsh Slate

If you’re looking for a slate replacement that offers an authentic, traditional look, a Welsh slate should be your first choice. Our slate panels are designed to replicate the look of natural stone and include a broad range of colors. The genuine texture of the stone is what makes our Welsh slate so popular!

The exterior surface is a soft greyish brown while the interior surface has a fine grain texture that can be seen with magnification. This is important because it allows light to pass through to your home in all directions, which helps increase the amount of light penetration.

The real benefits of using our slate products for your remodel come from the outcome and quality. Unlike traditional products that are made from cement and other materials, our slate panels are natural-looking products made with the same quality materials that nature uses.

Because of this, you will have a more durable and attractive product that can last for many years to come. Our slate panels will be designed for your specific project to ensure that it fits perfectly. You can even adjust the slating sheets with no problem to fit your window or door frame.

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