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2 Ways To Improve Your Google Sheets Workflow

You're trying to get work done in Google Sheets, but you keep getting bogged down by inefficient processes. It feels like it's taking forever to get anything done! Don't worry, you're not alone. Google Sheets can be a great tool for productivity, but only if you know how to use it efficiently. In this blog post, we'll share two ways you can improve your Google Sheets workflow. 

If you're looking to create a workflow with Google Forms, there are a few things you'll need to do. First, you'll need to create a form.

Image Source: Google

Once you've entered the function, press Enter or Return on your keyboard. The result of the function will appear in the cell. You can then copy and paste the formula into other cells to automatically calculate values for them as well.

Custom formulas can save you a lot of time when working with data in Google Sheets. Take some time to experiment with different functions and see how they can help streamline your workflow.

Use Google Sheets Filters

Google Sheets filters are a powerful way to quickly sort and manipulate data. To use a filter, simply select the column you want to filter and click the Filter button.

There are many ways to use filters to your advantage. For example, you can quickly find all rows that contain a certain keyword or value. Or, you can use filters to create dynamic reports that change based on user input.

Filters are also a great way to collaborate with others on a Sheet. By sharing only the filtered view of a Sheet, you can prevent users from accidentally modifying or deleting important data.

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