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Top Tools For Social Media Management

Top Tools For Social Media Management

Social media management is the process of creating, publishing, and analyzing content you post on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, as well as engaging with users on those platforms.

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Here are the top tools for managing your social media accounts:

1. Buffer

Buffer is one of the most popular and effective tools for social media management. With one click you can share and schedule content on various channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ and recently Buffer has allowed Instagram to join the family. 

2. Crowdbooster

Unlike Buffer, Crowdbooster is not compiled for different social media platforms or schedule and share posts. It focuses on gathering data from various social media channels and providing some vital information regarding your strategy. 

It tells you about when people are most likely to engage with your latest post i.e a picture or video. You are also able to analyze total reach, impression, clicks on your posts, and the audience who may be interested in your brand.

3. Spredfast

If you want to measure your social media efforts then this is the outstanding tool that provides you with the accurate data of people you have reached and whether your target audience is engaging with you or not. Besides, Spredfast has a calendar feature too, which informs you about optimal tweeting times.

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