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Talcum Powder Use Has Been Linked to Ovarian Cancer

Talks have been used in domestic for generations. Talc powder, often called baby powder, is used in American baths and kindergartens as a mechanism to relieve skin irritation, absorb moisture, and reduce odors.

Johnson & Johnson started selling baby powder over 100 years ago, calling it nursery and bath. The potential risks of using talc have been discussed for decades. Surprisingly, this risk was only recently confirmed.

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Talcum powder is made of talc, a mineral consisting of magnesium, silicon and oxygen. In its usual form, powder is useful for keeping skin dry and preventing rashes. It is widely used by adults, especially women, who clean personal items, underwear, and sanitary napkins with powder to keep them cool, comfortable, and odorless.

Recent studies have shown that talc can cause ovarian cancer when dust particles left in the genital area or sanitary napkins, condoms, etc., travel through uterus, and fallopian tubes to the ovaries.

The medical journal Cancer Prevention Research published a study in June 2013 that found that women who regularly used baby powder or baby powder for feminine hygiene were 20 to 30% more likely to develop ovarian cancer than women who do not use powder products for women's hygiene.

A number of lawsuits have been filed against the pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson alleging that Johnson & Johnson had known about the ovarian cancer risks associated with talc for decades and did not warn its users about the dangers.