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How Do Sprinkler Systems Work ?

How Do Sprinkler Systems Work ?

In a typical residential sprinkler system, water is directed from an underground supply source, such as a fire hydrant or storage tanks, to the various sprinklers throughout the structure. 

Each sprinkler head is equipped with two nozzles: one that emits a high-pressure stream of water, and another that emits a low-pressure spray. When activated, the sprinkler set-up starts spraying water immediately all over the area targeted by the controller. 

This high-volume flow of water quickly douses any small flames that may have started and creates a wetting rain which helps prevent any further spread of the fire. The low-pressure spray also helps knock down embers and extinguished objects so they don't reignite later on. 

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Most residential sprinkler systems are automated, meaning they are controlled by a central controller located in or near the building's main entrance. This controller will activate and deactivate each sprinkler according to preset parameters or based on readings taken from sensors within the building. In some cases, homeowners may also be able to activate their own sprinklers using manual controls. 

It is important to remember that not all fires require an immediate response from your sprinkler system; in fact, most fires can be adequately extinguished with minimal damage done by your home's plumbing and electrical systems if they are detected early enough. If you notice smoke or flames coming from any part of your house, it is always best to evacuate immediately in case your home becomes engulfed in flames.  

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