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Types Of Pipe Replacements

Types Of Pipe Replacements

When your sewer line breaks, you may be concerned about the damage that a sewer line replacement would cause. Different types of pipe replacements can cause different levels of damage, so it’s important to understand what kind of replacement is needed before getting started. If you want to know more about sink draining services, you can search via online sources.

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Here’s a look at the different types of pipe replacements and their effects: 

Pipe Replacement By Digging Up The Ground: This type of replacement is typically used when a sewer line has broken near the ground. Digging up the ground will expose the broken pipe and replace it with a new section of pipe. This type of replacement can cause some minor damage to your property, but it’s usually less invasive than other types of replacements. 

Pipe Replacement With A Tunnel: When a sewer line breaks near a water main or other public infrastructure, a tunnel replacement may be necessary. A tunnel replaces the broken pipe with a septic tank bypass system that redirects sewage away from public areas. This type of replacement can cause major damage to your property, so it’s usually only used when other options are unavailable or too costly. 

Pipe Replacement With A Septic Tank Bypass System: When a sewer line breaks near a septic tank, a bypass system is usually the best option. Septic systems rely on natural filtration to remove sewage from the water. This can be very effective, but it also requires little maintenance and is less invasive than other options.

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