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Transportation And Sale Of Controlled Substance Charges In Denver

Police in Denver, have continued their fight against the ever-expanding drug market. Most people refer to this as "drug dealing" and it can result in serious penalties and punishments to an individual if they are convicted. 

The justice system dedicates significant amounts of time and resources to combating drug crimes and is highly motivated to make arrests. Every year, many people are wrongly arrested or people that would be better served in a rehabilitation center are spending time in jails and prisons.

The consequences of transportation and sale of controlled substances in Denver can be very harsh depending on a variety of factors, however, if you have been arrested you always have options. One of the first things to do is contact an attorney at Decker and Jones.

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Consequences of "drug dealing" in Denver

A variety of factors are considered when classifying the charge for selling, transporting, or possessing controlled substances to sell them. Any of the aforementioned drug dealing charges are considered to be a felony in Denver; however, some mitigating factors such as the type, amount, previous criminal record, and whether minors are involved are also considered. 

Proposition 36 and other alternatives

Denver's proposition 36 offers a possible alternative to individuals meeting certain criteria.Proposition 36 allows for a person to enter into drug education and counseling rather than being subjected to serving jail time. The diversion program may also be an option and dismisses the case after a specified period has passed and certain requirements have been fulfilled. 


All You Need To Know About Dental Anxiety and Fear

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Dental anxiety and fear

No matter how old people get, it is natural to feel nervous or anxious before visiting the dentist. The visualization of white coats and needle-sharp equipment is enough to send anyone running for the hills. If you thought only children hate visiting the dentist then you are wrong. Elders too face some fear before visiting dentist and some of the common fears they may experience are:

  • Sharp instruments/drills
  • Ineffective anesthesia
  • Gagging or vomiting
  • Injections/needles
  • Social embarrassment and anxiety

Nowadays, traditional methods of sharp, painful, noisy equipment have been replaced with quick, painless, and quiet lasers. The use of handy sedatives and anaesthetics help to calm and relax the patient during the entire procedure, keeping him/her away from any painful experience. Dental anxiety and fear is most of the time overrated and cannot be used as an excuse for not paying regular visits to your dentist.